Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Faith Integration Subject Matter: Devotional - Qualities of a Winner

Qualities of a winner:

  • Honesty - A winner finds a way to be honest and adds others who are honest
  • Loyalty - Loyal people stick aroung through thick and thin
  • Positive attitiude - the ingredient that often allows the near impossible to be achieved
  • Effectiveness - efficient people save money; effective pwople know how to make it with limited resources
  • Problem-Solving Skills - If you find peeople who can solve problems, latch onto them and don't let them go
  • Self-Discipline - Self discipline is the ability to delay gratification
  • Sense of Humor - A winner is always healthy enough to laugh at himself or herself and can spread that good humor to everyone else
  • Perseverance - People who ggive something a little attention and then wimp out and quit before they have a chance to wim
  • Team Player - Winners know that in the counsel of many, there is much greater potential to problem solve
  • Unwillingness to Make  Excuses - A winner would never stoop so low as to come up with a lame excuse when there just might be another way to approach the problem

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